Why I'm Running For Alder
​Over the past two years, I've been proud to serve the campus community as your Alder, bringing a student's perspective to the issues that matter most to young people in Madison. The challenges faced by students and the broader campus community are unique, and I've worked hard to make sure we have a seat at the table where decisions are made -- but there's still more to do.
We've made real progress--approving over 2,000 student housing units, slowing the rate of rent increases, and launching Bus Rapid Transit to improve transportation around campus. But there's still work to do.
The City has begun prioritizing students more in the past two years than they have previously, that must continue. We make up a sixth of Madison's population and contribute significantly to its economy. I'm running for re-election to keep fighting for you, to build on our progress, and ensure that young people have a real say in the future of Madison. As your Alder I will not only represent you, but uplift your voices to be heard.